Small Group Oil Painting Experience
Come Create a Painting with Friends or Family!
Start Our Experience!Form your own group of 4 and schedule a private 2 1/2 hour workshop with professional
Fine Artist Susan E. Hanna
Here is what you get:
-3 Hours of Private Time in Our Stunning Gallery
-2 1/2 Hours of Expert Instruction for 4 Students: Enjoy individual attention from expert, fine artist, Susan E. Hanna
-Complete An Oil Painting: You and your classmates will create a painting from the same inspiration photo based upon a theme you’ve asked for.
-Small Groups of 4: You will learn in a friendly, private session.
-Includes All Materials: No need to lug supplies; just show up and paint!
-Dates: Call the Gallery at 603-550-3020 to schedule your private, group workshop.
-Location: SEH Studios Art Gallery, 456 Central Ave., Dover, NH